18 National Heroes Of Nepal

Nepal recently got its 18th national hero. Know all of them here

 Many people have made significant contributions to the nation-building process in Nepal's history that will be remembered for a long time. The nation bestows the title of 'rashtriya bibhuti,' or 'national hero,' on such individuals. The government has announced Bhakti Thapa as Nepal's 17th and Jaya Prithivi Bahadur Singh as 18th National Hero, bringing national heroes into the spotlight.

In 1955, a commission led by the great writer Bal Krishna Sama made the first statement about Nepal's national heroes. The then-king, Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, appointed Sama. The first 13 of the people mentioned below were enlisted by the commission in 1955, and five more have been added in the last 27years.

1. Buddha

Gautam Buddha or Siddhartha Gautam was born in Lumbini, Nepal in the year 563 BC. He became known as (Lord) Buddha after he attained enlightenment following the years of meditation under a bodhi tree. Lord Buddha is also believed to be the founder of Buddhism

He went around preaching to his people four noble truths and eightfold paths. He instilled in individuals the values of nonviolence, tolerance, compassion, love, kindness, and ethical behavior. This is also why he is referred to as "Light Of Asia".

2. Anshubarma

Anshubarma was the king of Nepal during the Lichchhavi period. He helped start the art, architecture and literature revolution and made striding efforts to strengthen the Nepal-India bilateral relationships.
He wrote a book " Sabda Bidhya ".
He Built a Palace named "Kailaskut Palace".

3. Janak

Janak was the ruler of Videha in Nepal's Mithila region. He was Sita's foster father, another Nepalese national hero. With works like Satapatha Brahmana and Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, King Janak is recognized as an ideal king and venerated even now as a great philosopher of late Vedic literature. 

Janak is also credited for the Mithila art that was commissioned during the Ram-Sita wedding processions.

4. Sita

Sita or Janaki is known as the goddess of sacrifice and purity. Hindu devotees worship her as Janaki Mata or Goddess Janaki. She is also symbolised as the character of an ideal woman. 

She is also the daughter of King Janak and the wife of Lord Ram. She was said to have been found by King Janak when he was ploughing the field and was raised as his foster daughter.

5. Araniko

                    Statue of Araniko at the Miaoying Temple, Beijing

Araniko was a well-known Nepalese artist who was born in Kathmandu. Araniko collaborated with the 13th-century monarch Kublai Khan to spread pagoda-style architecture designs. He constructed numerous stupas and buildings, which drew the attention of the Chinese emperor.
Among the various structures he constructed, the white stupa of Miaoying temple (Beijing, China) is his most well-known.

6. Ram Shah

Ram Shah is known to be one of the greatest rulers of Gorkha. His reign was famous for his ability to provide equality and justice to people. He is the reason why “Nyaya napae Gorkha janu” (if you are deprived of justice elsewhere, go to Gorkha) saying is popular to date. 

Ram Shah also introduced measurement markers like mana, pathi, dhak, taraju, etc. which are still the measurement standards used in Nepal. He also introduced criminal codes and titles like kaji, sardar and kharda.

7. Amar Singh Thapa

 During the Anglo-Nepal conflict, Amar Singh Thapa was the bada kaji (military general). He devoted practically his whole life fighting for the independence of this country. He was a valiant soldier who is revered as one of Nepal's national heroes and an inspiration to many who aspire to serve in the military.

As the supreme commander of the western fronts, Amar Singh Thapa skilfully fought against the East India Company and defended western Nepal. He is also known in Nepal as the "living lion."

8. Prithvi Narayan Shah

He was the most famous king of Nepal, also the king who unified modern Nepal. He was the first king of unified Nepal as it is today. He was the one to recognise the threat of the British and tried to maintain peaceful but distant relations with them.

9. Bhimsen Thapa

Bhimsen Thapa is a well-known Nepalese politician who commanded the country throughout the Anglo-Nepal war and was instrumental in the country's defense. He was a brilliant diplomat who modernized Nepal's army, expanded the country's trade, and eradicated many undesirable social customs.

Bhimsem Thapa also implemented a number of socioeconomic reforms in Nepal. He also attempted to unite South Asia in opposition to British hegemony. He is also credited with the creation of the first Dharahara.

10. Balabhadra Kunwar

He served as a Nepali commander and administrator during the Anglo-Nepal conflict. He was a famous fighter who is remembered for his amazing bravery and daring during the British attack on the fort of Nalapani.

This act of bravery astounded the British, and he garnered respect from his adversaries as a result. He is one of the reasons Gorkhalis (Gurkha troops) are so well-known around the world. Bala Bhadra Kunwar held his stand for months during the siege of Dehradun, despite the lack of water.

11. Bhanu Bhakta Acharya

One of Nepal's most prominent poets was Aadi Kavi Bhanu Bhakta Acharya. He was born in Tanahu in 1814. He was the first person to publish many books of poetry in Nepali, which is why he is known as Aadi Kavi, or the first poet.

The epic Ramayana was translated and made available to the general audience by Bhanu Bhakta. He contributed to the country's linguistic and cultural unification, as well as the normalization of Nepali literature writing.

12. King Tribhuvan Shah

King Tribhuvan was one of the greatest kings of modern Nepal. He was born on June 30, 1906, in the capital Kathmandu. He became king, though only as a ceremonial king, at the young age of five. 

He played an integral part in the overthrowing of the Rana regime and gave freedom to Nepali people from their oppressive rule.

13. Motiram Bhatta

Yuwa Kabi (young poet) Motiram Bhatta was born in 1923 in Kathmandu. He was the one who collected Bhanu Bhakta Acharya’s works and published them, making Bhanu Bhakta famous after his death. It is said that once Motiram Bhatta attended a marriage ceremony where he heard Bhanu Bhakta Acharya reciting a poem. 

After that, he went around collecting his works and publishing them to the world.  He also wrote a biography of Bhanu Bhakta. His literary contributions make him one of the national heroes of Nepal.

14. Shankhadhar Sankhwa

Shankhadhar Sankhwa was a trader and philanthropist who founded Nepal Sambat. It is said that he got wealthy from gold accumulated from the Bishnumati river. He then used that wealth to free all the debts of the local people in the Kathmandu valley. 

Nepal Sambat was created with a new lunar calendar as the new beginning for the liberated people of Kathmandu. 

15. Pasang Lhamu Sherpa

She was the first Nepali woman to climb the world’s highest mountain, Mount Everest. She had successfully climbed other peaks like Mont Blanc (France), Mount Cho Oyu (8,201m) before attempting Everest. 

She reached the Everest summit on April 22, 1993, but tragically lost her life while descending due to a sudden change in weather. She was added to this list of national luminaries in 1999.

16. Mahaguru Phalgunanda

Mahaguru Phalgunanda was a saint and religious instructor who is credited with keeping the ancient Kirat faith alive by following puritan beliefs. Ilam was his birthplace, and he was born in 1885. Within the Limbu, Rai, Sunuwar, and other Kirati communities, he is revered as the Mahaguru (great teacher).

Phalgunanda earned the title due of his preaching, which included cultural and socioeconomic messages such as a prohibition on animal sacrifice, a prohibition on alcohol, and advocacy for vegetarianism. Phalgunanda was named to the list of national heroes in 1998.

17. Bhakti Thapa

During the Anglo-Nepal conflict, Bhakti Thapa was one of the most well-known military commanders. In 1741, he was born in Lamjung. During the Anglo-Nepal conflict, Bhakti Thapa was assigned to the defense of Nepal's western frontier, and he dedicated himself to repelling the British force.

In the fight of Deuthal on April 15, 1815, he devoted his life. His gallantry so astonished British officers that he became a legend in the eyes of British historians. Bhakti Thapa was named Nepal's national hero on July 1, 2021 ( 2078 Ashad 17 )

18. Jaya Prithivi Bahadur Singh

 He was the a king of Bajhang, during Rana Regime. He is considered as the father of Nepali Education and first persion in Nepal to write Grammar ( Byakaran ). Despite being King, he focuses on educating his citizens giving scholarship and food to poor. 
He was a leader ahead pf his time who focused on education, gener equality and many progressive things.
He was the writer of first education book "Akshyarank sikshya".
He was listed as " National Hero of Nepal " by government of Nepal on 20 June 2022 ( 2079 Ashad 6) and had become the latest National Hero.

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