Mass Haul Diagram


Mass Haul Diagram (mass Curve):

It is the graphical representation of amount of the earthwork involved in the road construction and the manner in which the earth can be hauled economically.


Use of mass curve:

 i) To find an economical scheme for distributing the excavate material.

ii) To overcome the wastage of material at one place and borrowing at another place.

iii)To overcome the difficulty of estimation of the proposed wastage, the designer may advise widening an embankment or cutting where necessary.


Construction of Mass Haul Curve:

i) Divide the length of the road in separate sections of convenient distances.

ii) Calculate the volume of earth work in each section.

iii) Plot a longitudinal section of each section of road on a convenient scale.

iv) Plot the volumes as ordinates and distances between the section which are kept same.

v) Plot the positive volume above the base line and negative volume below the base line.

vi) Join the ends of adjacent ordinates by a smooth curve to obtain the required mass diagrams.




Characteristics of mass curve

 1.Rising sections of the mass curve indicates areas where excavating exceeds fill, whereas falling sections indicate where fill exceeds excavation.

2 Steep slopes reflect heavy cuts & Fills, while flat slopes indicate areas fro small amount of earthwork.

3 The difference in ordinates between any two points indicate net excess of excavation over embankment or vise versa.

4.Any horizontal line dawn to intersect two points within the same curve indicates a balance of excavation (cut) and embankment (fill) quantities between the two points.

5.Points of zero slope represent points where roadway goes from cut to fill or from fill to cut.

6.The highest or the lowest points of the mass haul diagram represents the crossing points between the grade line (roadway level) and natural ground level.

Important Terms:

Haul distance :-It is the distance at any time between the working face of an excavation and the tip end of the embankment formed from the hauled material.

Average haul distance:- It is the distance between the center of gravity of cutting and center of gravity of filling.

Haul:- It is the sum of the products of each volume by its haul distance.

Lead and lift:- The vertical distance covered by the porter is called Lift & horizontal distance covered by the porter is called lead. 1 m lift is taken equivalent to 12.5 m lead.

Free haul distance:- It is the specified distance in terms of contracts, upto which the excavated material, is transported regardless to the haul distance. During transportation of excavated soil the distance for which no extra cost is paid to the contractor is called free haul distance. It is nearly 1.5 m lift & 30 m lead.

Overhaul distance:- If the excavated material from a cutting has to be removed to a greater distance than free haul distance, the extra distance is known as overhaul distance.

Balancing line:- Any horizontal line drawn on the curve balances the volume of excavation and volume of filling because, there is no difference in aggregate volume between the two points, such a line is known as balancing line.

Balancing Point: It is the point at which volume of excavation and volume of embankment is equal.

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